May 25Liked by Chris Wheeler

And your playlist is beautifully woodsy. Thank you.

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May 25Liked by Chris Wheeler

Applause, cheers, and an admission that I found myself deep in the forest, quite deep in, only just yesterday, after a long stint in the meadowlands... And it was friends who saved me, who gripped my hands and told me with their eyes that I was not alone. Brace of pistols, cudgels, and stout hearts offered for my help, I stumbled out again wounds and all, hanging on to their faith and strong arms. Thanks, Chris, for setting these paper boats of words afloat onto the river in faith. Your words are landing, and needed.

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I'm so encouraged that these words found their place in and for you, Carolyn! So grateful to you for reading, and for reminding me again of how essential and immediate friendships are, even in those small things said and presences felt.

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