I was laughing to myself reading your excerpt from Perrine's Sound and Sense. Remembering my younger self reading poetry in a hurry (and silently!) and just not getting it. I can always tell when things are "off" with me when I try to read poetry and my eyes glaze over.

Also, thanks for a new song to add to my summer playlist! That TOP song is pretty great

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I've never read this Robert Frost poem before. He truly was a master. His poems were so simple, yet complex and layered. In one of my recently finished Literature classes, I wrote a literary analysis of Frost's "The Road Not Taken," one of the most quoted poems at graduations. I wrote about my own experiences on The Road Not Taken here: https://gracegrowswings.blogspot.com/2023/10/returning-to-college-working-toward.html

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He has such a broad body of work. At some point I hope to read through it all in entirety. :) Your reflections are beautiful - blessings on your studies!

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I'm glad you explained how love can be like moss. I wasn't following that one. Also, understanding that image sheds light on hearts being "compasses fixed to the ground."

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That's so true! I hadn't pulled on that thread about the compasses. I love that even more now!

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